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Two - Time US Department of Education High Performing National Blue Ribbon School - 2015 & 2022!

First Communion at MAA

Dressed in their best, the Second Graders processed to the front of the auditorium and sang for their classmates, playing an active and crucial role in the Mass. We are so grateful to Father Peter Folan for coming and celebrating Mass with us today. This day would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of our Second Grade teachers, Mrs. Dieso, Ms. Wolford, and Ms. Santiano and our music teacher, Mrs. Sarah Moore. They did an incredible job planning the liturgy and preparing their students. Thank you!


At the end of the service, the school gathered around the statue of Mary at the front of the campus for our annual May Crowning. Another beautiful ceremony and fantastic MAA tradition. Thank you also to all the parents and faculty who helped to make today so special!  


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