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Two - Time US Department of Education High Performing National Blue Ribbon School - 2015 & 2022!
Victoria Frieswick » Ms. Victoria Frieswick

Ms. Victoria Frieswick

Years in Education: 6.5 years      

Years at MAA: 5 years


Why I teach: I am a fourth-generation teacher, and nothing beats the “aha moment” of a student when the gears shift into place! Whether in my classroom or helping in the Extended Day program,I enjoy being able to interact with the students from Preschool through Grade 6.

In technology classes, we cover a wide variety of topics and teaching methods. Our curriculum includes coding, typing, digital citizenship, and G Suite apps (i.e. Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.). Throughout the year, Ms. LaConte, MAA Librarian, and I work with many classroom teachers on cross-curricular projects in which technology and library research enhance the outcome.